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A bit "compressed"....but NOT depressed, The Lord is making a way!

We have been reminded over and over again these last three years of God's constant presence and continual working in and through our family. We have learned that God DOES hear us, and He NEVER changes. We have also learned that His timing is always perfect...and suffering is one of the means our gracious Heavenly Father uses to build our spiritual muscles. James 1:17, Hebrews 13:8, Psalm 90:2

This summer the Lord saw fit to bring us significant answers concerning our big sister, Shannon's, health. Shannon has been diagnosed with neurogenic median arcuate ligament syndrome (nMALS). This syndrome is the result of a congenitally low-lying diaphragm compressing and damaging a bundle of nerves that control several abdominal organs (called the celiac ganglion plexus). Shannon will need surgery to address this. This is a rare disorder, thus the many years of searching for answers. The doctor also believes she has two vascular compressions in her abdomen which may need to be addressed with surgery as well. The next step for her is a trip to Salt Lake City to meet with a surgeon who does laparoscopic robotic surgery to reverse nMALS. This is happening in September. We are praying that the Lord would allow surgery to happen next month! Would you pray this for Shannon?

The title of this blog reads...there is compression, but NOT depression. As we have watched our big sister walk through this very dark season which has brought incredible pain and many, many hours in bed...we have seen her faith in her Creator grow. Many ask, "is Shannon struggling with depression?" Although there have been moments of great sorrow, confusion, questioning, and grief. we praise the Lord that Shannon has not become depressed. We think one reason Shannon has not experienced depression is because she has turned her sadness into serving. She is a great letter writer. She has learned that when she feels sad, if she writes to someone to encourage them, her focus is no longer on her pain, but on blessing someone else. She has also engaged in art... and has even started a small business. Productivity is a great distraction from constant pain. We are proud to call her our big sister. And we look ahead with hope for her restoration...

"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen." Jude 24-25

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